Home Insulation – Why Insulate Your House?
Heating and cooling accounts for 50 to 70% of the energy used in the average American home. Inadequate insulation and air leakage are leading causes of energy waste in most homes. As energy cost continue to rise, it has become evident that we must look for better solutions to keep energy costs down. At Superior Insulation Products, we strive to do this for each and every customer. Superior has programs/solutions available to make it more cost effective for homeowners to weatherize their homes.
Proper insulation installation is critical, gaps and compressed insulation will dramatically reduce effectiveness. Walls, ceilings, attics, crawl spaces, floors and ducts should be well insulated.
Adding or replacing worn and ineffective insulation is the fastest and easiest way to improve energy efficiency. Maintaining the recommended levels of insulation will save energy, reduce utility costs and improve comfort. Insulation provides additional benefits including noise reduction, fire resistance and safety.
In Greater Seattle, proper insulation plays a very important role in every home by providing:
- Warmer conditions in the cold winter weather, by trapping heat in
- Cooler conditions in the summer, by blocking the heat out
- Quieter conditions, by creating a buffer from indoor/outdoor sounds
- Increase the value of your home or business
- More energy efficient
Air Sealing
Air Sealing is important in Seattle’s volatile climate. The lack of sealing the air in your home will cause leakage, which is common place and occurs when outside air enters a house through cracks and openings. Properly air sealing the cracks and openings in your home can significantly reduce heating costs during the wet winters in Seattle. Air sealing can be achieved by caulking, weatherstripping and using foam insulation where there are leaks. In addition, plywood, drywall, caulking or foam may be used to seal leaks. The type and size of leak will help determine what type of material is used to properly seal the area. Hidden air leaks can be found by running a blower door test which our insulation technicians can perform.
Proper R-Value
An insulating material’s resistance to conductive heat flow is measured or rated in terms of its thermal resistance or R-value — the higher the R-value, the greater the insulating effectiveness. The R-value depends on the type of insulation, its thickness, and its density. When calculating the R-value of a multi layered installation, add the R-values of the individual layers. Installing more insulation in your home increases the R-value and the resistance to heat flow.
The effectiveness of an insulation material’s resistance to heat flow also depends on how and where the insulation is installed. For example, insulation that is compressed will not provide its full rated R-value. For more information about proper R-Value, Please don’t hesitate to contact us today for an in-home evaluation to discuss you individual needs.
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